Specialty Classes at The power house
All Specialty Classes Are Free With All Memberships!
We offer a variety of classes that round out our CrossFit WOD classes with specialized accessory, skill, and recovery work. Our current Specialty Classes include Strength, Barbell Buddies, Cardio Club, Power HIIT, Pilates and Yoga.

Strength is a customized class that focuses on muscle-building movements through a variety of functional lifts. Strength class is a great way for athletes to increase lean muscle mass and complete their strength training at a measured pace under the supervision of a skilled coach.
Barbell Buddies, our Olympic lifting class is designed to enhance an athlete’s technique and performance of the Snatch, Clean & Jerk, and their auxiliary lifts. This class is open to all levels and is an excellent way to level up your CrossFit game.
Power HIIT (high intensity interval training) combines metabolic conditioning and strength training to improve cardiovascular endurance and stamina, using cardio implements (rower, bike, jump rope, runs) with kettlebell and dumbbell exercises.
Cardio Club is a community-oriented experience that focuses on improving rowing, biking, and running performance and training for specific times, distances, and goals.
Pilates will provide core strengthening and full body lengthening while you do your 100s, roll like a ball, and perform teasers. Class includes a comprehensive Pilates warm-up, classic sequences, and target specific small-muscle exercises beneficial for all CrossFit athletes.
Yoga classes are designed to feel better in body, mind, and spirit. Yoga Flow classes have a balanced combination on longer-held stretches and faster-moving sequencing, giving yogis a dynamic experience on the mat.
Ready to get started?
Our discounted 2 Class Package is a surefire way for new clients to get into class quickly and fall in love with our blend of high intensity cardio, strength training, and functional movement.